Time and quality

You are a transport company, carrier or logistics service provider with or without your own DC. Europe, Asia, US and/or Canada is your market. Pallet exchange by drivers on site is usually not an option. After all, time is money. But the quality of the pallet is also critical for an automated DC.

PCT can be found in all types of industries and is therefore at home in all markets. Whether or not you own the pallets or other RTIs is irrelevant here. You are looking for efficiency, quality in the logistics chain and more sustainable use of all load carriers used.

No waiting times for drivers thanks to virtual swapping in PCTO

Effective and efficient pallet management

  1. Driver relieved - We know better than anyone how much pressure there is on the logistics chain in Europe and how tight schedules are. We also know that there is therefore almost no time for exchanging pallets and other RTIs on the spot. Apart from the knowledge and skill that drivers must have about executions and qualities. Using PCT Online solves many problems.  
  2. Cost-effective - Thanks to our so-called e-Credit system, pallets can be ›exchanged' digitally throughout Europe. For you, that means no truck full of just empty pallets. And therefore always return freight with valuable cargo. Used pallets are sorted and valued separately. This value represents a number of e-Credits. The value of the e-Credit is related to the EUWID index, a widely accepted standard in Europe.
  3. Quality pallets - By the way, we only use EPAL Europallets and RTIs in our system. This guarantees quality and execution. Especially also because your automated warehouses demand standardized A-quality or new pallets. So no more discussion and unnecessary loss of time. And in case of a dispute, our account managers check afterwards.
  4. Overview - With PCT Online, you basically reduce the number of administrative relationships to one, while increasing your network by many dozens. You decide which locations of customers, suppliers and other relations to include in the standard administration. This allows you to manage requests and orders the way you like. And do you already have a fixed pallet relationship? Then make it your preferred supplier.
  5. Fast, safe & easy - The platform runs in the cloud and works on desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone. The screens are simple and easy to consult in several languages, including English, German, French and Polish. The platform is secure and every change is logged. It can also be linked to any current ERP, VMS and WMS system. PCT Online prevents unnecessary discussions about quality, quantities and balances.
  6. Additional features - Don't just use PCT Online yourself, use it smartly to take the worry off your customers' hands. Organize Collection and Delivery throughout Europe with the help of affiliated fellow companies. Avoid unnecessary expensive trips and place orders with them via the platform. The e-Credits allow you to easily make purchases where your customers need pallets.

Prevent pallet stress! Pallet Control Tower is the European standard and the platform for Collection & Delivery by Matching for europallets and otherwise RTIs. We facilitate open pooling from A to Z. And make pallet logistics manageable again.