What we do

PCT has seen the pooling of pallets and other Returnable Transport Items (RTIs) emerge and change over the past few decades. We have seen numerous problems and errors arise. And we know they are not, or are only partially, resolved. Resulting in frustration and untold (hidden) costs.  

With our new standard, we are convinced that we are making a significant contribution to the optimization of pool systems, as there are many in Europe and the world.  

Match, Collect & Deliver.

PCTO solves pallet stress. Our online platform regulates through Matching the Collection & Delivery process of europallets and other RTIs all over Europe, Asia and America/Canada. We do this with our e-Credit system, among others, tracking the independent EUWID index for the most up-to-date price trends.

We also have a network of account and quality managers in Europe who solve problems in the event of a dispute. They check pallet quality on site at both depots and receivers.

With the e-Credits, our participants are able to optimally deploy (EPAL) Europallets and other RTIs. All this to get a more sustainable supply chain.

Prevent pallet stress! Pallet Control Tower is the European standard and the platform for Collection & Delivery by Matching for Europallets and other RTIs. We facilitate open pooling from A to Z. And make pallet logistics manageable again.

For whom and why?

With PCTO, any company, or better yet a network of companies - the supply chain - will have the ability to move from single-use pallets and other RTIs to multi-use europallets and other RTIs.

The PCTO platform is for any industrial, manufacturing or trading company that uses Europallets and RTIs to transport products on a large scale. But also for transporters and distribution centers as well as pallet dealers / depots / manufacturers.

How do we do that?

PCTO offers a simple way to switch from single-use to multiple-use. With Collection & Delivery - Matching - assignments and the e-Credit, everyone in the logistics chain benefits from this.

Handling transactions becomes easier and transparency reduces discussions with all parties involved. Mutual balances can be easily settled with e-Credits. In case of discussion, our regional account and quality managers can provide a solution.